Entering The Club


Frequently asked questions

01. Where can i view my Midnight Tokers? ?

Once minted or bought simply connect to your OpenSea account to view your NFTs.

02. What's a Farming Toker & do i have any?

Very simple, check the background image.. do you have any of the 4 'sacred' backgrounds? If so, congrats! You've got a farming toker!.

03. Do I need to stake my Midnight Toker to get the weekly rewards?

NOPE! Once minted, your toker will be automatically eligable for our Toker Rewards program, this includes all secondary sales, as well as all Special Edition Tokers.

04. Where do these Toker Rewards come from?

90% of all sales -minting and secondary/OS wallet- are sent to our Liquidity Pool on Mai.Finance. We earn a juicy bit of Qi every week and 80% of these rewards gets distributed to our Farming Tokers, and the rest of the 20% gets reinvested to the LP, continuing to grow our treasury, AND our Tokers wallets, every week!

05. What about my non-farming Tokers?

Aside from having a dope PFP, were currently working on ways your basic Tokers can be used to earn more rewards/benefits as well. Including our very own Toker Token, & Midnight Portals. Stay Tuned.